Gentle reminders from a dog............

Thursday, December 1, 2011

There really is nothing like the sweet gentle reminder that you really have managed to ignore your dog for a few weeks ( okay - months) while you set up a new business.  Ways in which you are reminded are 

1) The "I am not looking at you because you dont exist in my life" look in the eyes when you call her and she just pretends that you are made of glass.  This can be coupled with a slight but gentle head turn as the nose raises to the air.

2) The " I refuse to sleep next to you on the bed - even if they are 1000 thread count sheets" which is shown when you walk in the room to go to bed and you get the look "oh - your here".  She then gets up and moves over and lays on your husband instead.  Now, in my mind, this is really not a bad one and can be kind of handy not having a huge horse on your legs all night.

3) You are not longer spending hours running to the front door to answer it from all the paw tapping that used to go one when she would try to get my attention to come outside and make her "flock" (Ben) run and chase the ball.

4)  You take her to your agility yard and she says - "Whats that?"  or even worse - take her to do club for the first time in 3 months and she runs around barking and screaming like a nob while making up her own course then barking at you as you are not following

5) When she sneaks into the chicken pen at every moment she can when your back is turned and is only caught when poor Gloria is safely clamped between her jaws.

6) She is as jumpy as a Jack rabbit which is very abnormal for a dog that was perfectly names "B Kool"

When you add all of this up, you have to think that there are one or two signs that I have been ignoring the girl and I think we can all agree that a Koolie that is not mentally and physically worked is something no one wants in there house.

So - time to get off the computer, put the business away for a while, and go and see what she can teach me today.

Today she has taught me to read the signs and preferably the first one when it happens so 2,3,4,5 & 6 dont follow suit.



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